About the Gecko Cluster

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Revision as of 19:48, 16 October 2008 by (Talk)
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A quick over view:

  • 30 compute nodes 2x 2.5GHz Quad Core Intel Xeons with 8GB of memory (i.e. 8 jobs with 2GB memory each per node)
  • Infiniband network for parallel computation
  • openMPI (intel and gcc) for parallel computation across the inifiniband network.
  • Sun Grid Engine 6 to manage job submission and queue management
  • Intel C++/Fortran, GNU, Java 1.4,1.5,1.6 and R compilers
  • Stata 10 se
  • Also MPICH2 and SCORE for parallel computation, however these rely on gigabit ethernet which is much slower than the openMPI/ininfinband option.
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