Text Editors

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Revision as of 15:04, 17 October 2008 by Aitsswhi (Talk | contribs)
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Command line/script

These are tools that allow you to create/modify text files via the command line or in scripts.


Creates empty files ready for writing to

touch myfile.txt


Reads files and dumps them to the console, you can redirect to a file via >

//read single file
cat myfile
//read multiple files (myfiles1, myfiles2, myfiles3//0
cat myfiles*
//read multiple files and dump in a file
cat myfiles* > combined.txt
//append one file to another
cat file1 >> file2


Provides serach/filter operations on input (case sensitive) use regular expression. See "man grep" for more details

//read file, search for lines containing the word debug 
cat mylog | grep debug
//read file, search for "results returned" and output to new file
cat mywork.txt | grep results\ returned > myresults.txt

Console Editor

This editors are available when you are via the ssh terminal/putty


This editor is not for the faint hearted

vi cheat sheet http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html


Good command line editor (similar to pico)


Good command line editor (Similar to nano)


These editors are gui based and will need a remote X session.

Getting Started

Personal tools