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Qstat will show you the jobs in the queue and by default includes jobs from other users. You can also use it to look at just your jobs, get more detail on a specific job.

Note: jobs are listed in the order they will be run on the cluster. This is continuely updated, as new users submit jobs. The system employees a sliding priority, depending on how many jobs have been run and how often.

List all jobs

This will show all jobs running/queued for all users

qstat -u '*'

If you would like this to be the default you need to add the options to a text file .sge_qstat in your home directory.

nano ~/.sge_qstat

Add the following

-u *

Save the file and exit

List all your jobs


List a users jobs

qstat -u <username>
qstat -u train

List details of specified job

qstat -j <jobid>
qstat -j 5410

List queues

qstat -q c

List queues by host and the jobs running on that host

qstat -f
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