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This is an alternative to OpenBUGS/LinBUGS


JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation not wholly unlike BUGS. JAGS was written with three aims in mind:

  • To have an engine for the BUGS language that runs on Unix
  • To be extensible, allowing users to write their own functions, distributions and samplers.
  • To be a plaftorm for experimentation with ideas in Bayesian modelling

To this last end, JAGS is licensed under the GNU General Public License. You may freely modify and redistribute it under certain conditions (see the file COPYING for details).

More Information

Website: http://calvin.iarc.fr/~martyn/software/jags/

Manual: http://calvin.iarc.fr/~martyn/software/jags/jags_user_manual.pdf

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