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HPC at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

To Join

Gecko cluster, photo of cluster from front of rack
Firstly join the HPC mailing list

Secondly, send an email to Steven Whitbread or Dan Johnson containing the following information

   * Name
   * Username
   * Department
   * A brief description of what you plan to use the cluster for.
   * Software requirements 

You will then have an account set up for you.

Gecko Cluster

Gecko cluster, rack layout
A centeral shared Linux based HPC service for members of LSHTM.

About the Gecko Cluster

Accessing the Cluster

Getting Started

Software available on cluster

See All Pages or All Categories

Development and Programing


Note: We run a software management system at . This server provides Subversion/SVN repositories ( ) to help with versions and revisions to your code. The server also provides project management features such as task lists, milestones, bugs, wiki and forums should you wish.

Forge is also very well suited to software development collaboration with external contributors.

If you would like to use this system please get in contact with your friendly system admins who can get you set up.

See All Pages or All Categories

Wiki Help

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  • Create a new page - Search for the title of your new page, in the search results you will see a link "create this page". This allows you to see existing pages that match you page title and possible contents.
  • Syntax Cheatsheet
  • Full guide to wiki syntax
  • Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software
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