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qalter command allows you adjust options/settings of your jobs in the queue. It can modify many of the same options that are set when you submit a job with qsub.

qalter <jobid> -N newName
qalter 5402 -N NEWJOBNAME

You can also change the options on multiple jobs

qalter <jobid>,<jobid>,<jobid> -j y
qalter 5405,5410,5420 -j y


-V (set enviroment variables to those when job is submitted)
-cwd (run the job from current working directory)
-N name (sets name of job) 
-M email@address (set email address for job notifaction)
-m options (when to send email notification)
   b (begining of job)
   e (end of job)
   a (abortion or rescheduling of job)
   n (never email)
   s (suspention of job)
   example -m ase
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