Storage and disk space

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Overall the HPC has 4.5TB of storage shared amongst all users. This space is for active data and applications and should not be used for medium or long term storage. The user data is not backed up. If you need space for longer term storage it is recommended you request some from the Storage On Demand service.

Each user has a default quota of 200GB. The quota will allow you to temporarily go over quota, for a period of 7 days up to a limit of 220GB.

If you have datasets and results that will exceed this default it is possible to request an increase for periods of time.

Checking your quota usage

To see your quota and usage run the following

quota -s --hide-device
Disk quotas for user username (uid 123456):
    Filesystem   space   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
    /home       40980M    200G    220G           29917       0       0

The output above shows the disk "space" used as 40980MB which is 40GB (40980/1024). The "quota" is 200GB, the hard "limit" for the quota is 220GB

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